Egerton Music Festival could not continue without two vital forms of support - the generous financial support and encouragement of our sponsors and Friends, alongside the hours of voluntary work from the many people in Egerton who help at each event - whether by carrying chairs and tables, making sandwiches and cakes, cleaning floors, selling tickets or designing programmes. To all of them we give heartfelt thanks.
Mr M Allen
Mrs E Bloom
Mrs M Boorman
Mrs S Bracher
Lady Bruce-Lockhart
Mr A & Mrs J Buchanan
The Hon Mrs C Cairns
Mr D & Mrs J Campailla
Mrs A Carr
Mr G Clarkson
Mr H Cooper
Mr J & Mrs F Crossley
Mr M Crump
Mr M Gornall
Mr M Griffiths
Mr G Holborn
Mrs S Johnson
Mr R King
Lady Kingsdown
Mr J Loudon
Mr J Lumley
Mr R Manuel
Mr I Mella
Mrs D Pragnell
Mr & Mrs M Pym
Mrs M Teevan
Mrs M Thomas
Ms S Tilman
Lady Wilkinson
If you are interested in joining the Friends of the Egerton Music Festival or becoming a Festival sponsor, and would like to know more about the benefits of membership or sponsorship please contact
Jane Carr at ljanecarr@btinternet.com